When managing a company, there are a lot of things that you need to take into account to keep it running smoothly, and one of the most important things to do is keep productivity levels high. However, just because you have your eye on the prize, doesn't mean that you can necessarily pull it off. In fact, sometimes, business owners pursuing higher productivity end up wasting money without any improvement at all - or even making productivity worse. If you aren't sure how to get productivity up, we've prepared the ultimate guide to employee productivity monitoring - as well as some tips to increase productivity where possible on top of that. From communicating your expectations to utilizing employee productivity monitoring software and telecom management solutions, read on to learn how to get your employee’s productivity levels up.
Productivity has a clear dictionary definition, but what productivity means to you in particular may not be the same as it is for another business owner. That’s because different industries and even different businesses within the same industry have various standards and expectations. Taking into account things such as what services your business provides, what your customer needs are, and what standard expectations are can help you clearly define what “productivity” means to you.
Productivity isn’t one-size-fits-all, simply because not all labor is measured in the same way. For example, assembly line workers have vastly different duties compared to doctors just as doctors have different duties compared to coders. What each of those people is going to be able to accomplish in any given period of time is very distinct and cannot be measured the same way.
For example, a coder does not necessarily need to produce X lines of code in order to maximize productivity. A single line of code could, in theory, be more worthwhile than a million lines of code - it all depends on how impactful the code is. Telling coders in a company that they have to write so many lines of code in a period of time only incentivizes them to code less efficiently. So instead of a coder writing the most efficient code, they are now incentivised to write the greatest quantity of code which may be less useful for your organization. Because part of knowing where you would like for employees’ productivity to be is understanding where their productivity currently is, you can also utilize an employee productivity monitoring software to get a basic knowledge of how productive employees are at the moment. Understanding the correct metrics by which to measure an employee's productivity can have great impacts on your organization's bottom line.
Of course, you can't hope to achieve real productivity increases if half your workforce is unaware of what they need to do and how. Misunderstandings or unclear communication can cause employees to be confused as to what is expected of them. Thus, you should let everyone know what is expected of their sector, as well as the time frame it needs to be delivered in.
The next step after you’ve clearly communicated your productivity expectations and how they can be achieved is to work with your employees to better understand how well they’re doing. This includes giving detailed feedback as needed. One thing to keep in mind is that you need to be open to receiving feedback from them, as well. Just ensure that you’re giving the right amount of feedback - too little can give inadequate information while too much can cause distraction from the work at hand. Finding the perfect sweet spot makes all the difference.
Within any sized organization, one of the best ways to encourage productive habits is to publicly reward employees whose productivity goes above and beyond. Rewarding employees for their hard work is a great way to motivate them and also shows that you appreciate the extra effort they put into their job. This could be anything from a bonus, extra vacation days or even special mentions at staff meetings. This can help encourage the employee to keep up their productive ways but can also inspire fellow employees to follow suit and improve their own habits related to productivity. Additionally you can reward an entire department if they beat an important deadline or exceed productivity expectations. Hopefully this will inspire other departments to take note and emulate their habits. By taking these steps, you can help increase productivity in your business. Using software such as employee production monitoring software can go hand-in-hand with this step by developing key insights into which employees and which departments are most deserving of a reward.
Teamwork is an essential part of any business, and working together leads to better results as well as higher morale. That’s why it’s so crucial to encourage your employees to work together and get more done quicker than they would have been able to do alone. There are several different ways you can accomplish this. One way would be to set up a group chat discussion for people who work on the same teams. These discussions could be a place where employees collaborate, ask questions, and get support. An even better way to encourage working together would be through the use of project management software. This allows employees to stay in contact, share specific aspects of projects, compare the progress of tasks, and so on.
There are multiple ways that a person can set up productivity goals, but when all is said and done, the most important thing to achieve is making sure that they meet certain quality standards. If you create a goal that encourages employees to appear like they are working harder than they actually are, that's going to cause productivity results to nosedive. A rushed product or service is inevitably bad.
Vatic Outsourcing is an experienced and knowledgeable telecom management company, and we have the perfect solution to understanding and solving your productivity issues. This solution is our Employee Productivity Management Software (or EPM software)... Our state-of-the-art technology allows you to measure all of your employees’ productivity across several cloud-based applications while drawing upon multiple different productivity metrics. The insight that our software provides you with will allow you to understand which of your employees are the most and least productive. We also provide you with coaching tools and organizational improvement that will help you fix the problem once and for all. Contact us today for more information about how we can help you revolutionize your company’s productivity.
Shawn Purcell
As a founding partner, and member of the executive team at Vatic Outsourcing, Shawn Purcell initiated and continues to manage strategic relationships in telecom expense management (TEM) and mobile device management (MDM). He heads up the day-to-day management of Vatic Outsourcing’s business objectives, including technical infrastructure and strategic training of sales and support staff. Shawn also oversees Vatic’s enhanced services group, which delivers TEM and MDM services to clients and the Help Desk team. In addition to his executive-oversight responsibilities, Shawn continues to spend half of his time in a customer-facing role.
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